Jason Burack interviewed returning guest, former managing director at Goldman Sachs & Bear Stearns turned whistle blower and author, Nomi Prins http://www.nomiprins.com/. Nomi's full bio is here: http://www.nomiprins.com/biography/
Nomi is the author of numerous books including, All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power https://www.amazon.com/All-Presidents...
She is currently working on her newest book, Artisans of Money, which will be out later in 2017.
Nomi's review of 2016 and 2017 political/markets predictions: http://www.nomiprins.com/thoughts/201...
During this interview, Jason asks Nomi about the effects a strong US Dollar on the US Dollar Index can have on the global economy and how much damage it can do to the global economy?
Jason and Nomi discuss how the amount of foreign government denominated debt in US Dollars and foreign corporate debt denominated in US Dollars has basically risen an order of magnitude in the last few decades.
Jason then asks Nomi about if anything has been fixed in the banking system since the 2008 financial crisis?
Jason and Nomi also discuss if central banks have the ability to continue expanding the balance sheets, why China is also doing currency swaps with its trading partners and some of the risks Donald Trump runs by implementing a tariffs and a large protectionist trade policy on China.
To wrap up the interview, Jason asks Nomi, who was a supporter of Bernie Sanders and on his team of economic advisors how angry she was that Hillary Clinton got the Democratic Party nomination instead of Bernie given the information that came out in Wikileaks Podesta emails and the DNC Leaks.