Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and independent financial
journalist and managing editor of The News Doctors, Eric Dubin, are
back for episode #19 of the Welcome to Dystopia podcast.
The special guest on this podcast is Gold Anti-Tust Action
Committee (GATA) http://www.gata.org/, President Bill
Murphy. Bill has decades of experience trading commodities and also
writes a popular newsletter at Le Metropole Cafe.
During this episode, Jason congratulates Bill and GATA for being
vindicated with Deutsche Bank (DB) admitting manipulation of gold
and silver and now agreeing to turn in evidence and help implicate
its other co-conspirators.
Eric and Jason ask Bill many questions about the gold and silver
Bill says US investment banks still haven't been named yet for
their role but hopefully this will change soon. GATA has also not
been contacted about testifying about the manipulation
After the interview with Bill is finished, Jason and Eric discuss
why the Japanese Yen has been strengthening against the US Dollar
and what that might be signaling?
The Yen carry trade being unwound on a large scale may be
signalling that global asset prices are about to have a major
Jason and Eric also talk about the recent emergency Federal Reserve
meeting with President Obama at the White House and what may have
been discussed?
Next, Jason and Eric talk about the large banks' exposure to bad
oil loans and how it is still massive.
To wrap up the regular part of the show, Jason and Eric discuss how
according to a recent Wall Street Journal report greater than 40%
of all US student loan debts are in default.
Scumbag Nominees:
1) Jim Cramer for routinely recommending companies right before
they go bankrupt
3) Bernie Sanders and his lawyers for sending a "cease and desist
to the seller of "Bernie is my Comrade" t shirtshttp://libertymaniacs.com/products/be...
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and independent financial
journalist and managing editor of The News Doctors, Eric Dubin, are
back for episode #19 of the Welcome to Dystopia podcast.
The special guest on this podcast is Gold Anti-Tust Action
Committee (GATA) http://www.gata.org/, President Bill
Murphy. Bill has decades of experience trading commodities and also
writes a popular newsletter at Le Metropole Cafe.
During this episode, Jason congratulates Bill and GATA for being
vindicated with Deutsche Bank (DB) admitting manipulation of gold
and silver and now agreeing to turn in evidence and help implicate
its other co-conspirators.
Eric and Jason ask Bill many questions about the gold and silver
Bill says US investment banks still haven't been named yet for
their role but hopefully this will change soon. GATA has also not
been contacted about testifying about the manipulation
After the interview with Bill is finished, Jason and Eric discuss
why the Japanese Yen has been strengthening against the US Dollar
and what that might be signaling?
The Yen carry trade being unwound on a large scale may be
signalling that global asset prices are about to have a major
Jason and Eric also talk about the recent emergency Federal Reserve
meeting with President Obama at the White House and what may have
been discussed?
Next, Jason and Eric talk about the large banks' exposure to bad
oil loans and how it is still massive.
To wrap up the regular part of the show, Jason and Eric discuss how
according to a recent Wall Street Journal report greater than 40%
of all US student loan debts are in default.
Scumbag Nominees:
1) Jim Cramer for routinely recommending companies right before
they go bankrupt
3) Bernie Sanders and his lawyers for sending a "cease and desist
to the seller of "Bernie is my Comrade" t shirtshttp://libertymaniacs.com/products/be...
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and managing editor of The
News Doctorshttp://thenewsdoctors.com/ and
independent financial journalist, Eric Dubin are back for episode
#18 of the Welcome to Dystopia podcast.
SILVER! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sprott...
Jason and Eric discuss what this purchase means for the silver
market and that a lot of silver supply could be offline in the next
few years because of low base metal prices. A lot of the annual
silver production (more than 60%) is from base metal mines as
French investment bank, Societe General (Soc Gen) predicts silver
supply will fall by 9% in 2016 and by 13% in 2017 due to low base
metal prices.
Eric and Jason also discuss gold and silver mining share.
Next, Jason and Eric discuss the Panama Papers leak and what
motives are really behind it? Eric suggests listeners read this
article: http://thenewsdoctors.com/panama-pape...
Scumbag Nominees:
1) TSA for wasting $1.4 million on an IPAD app for airport arrows
telling you right or left for which line for pat downs or body
scanners (how wasteful!)
2) President Maduro of Venezuela- for his communist/Marxist
policies and the hyperinflation and murders and corruption that big
government is destroying Venezuela.
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest,
the silver guru, David Morgan of The Morgan Report http://www.themorganreport.com/.
TheMorganReport.com [Get the Free Report 'Riches in
David has decades of market experience working in the financial
industry and investing and trading markets. David has also written
2 books about silver, the Skinny on Silver and his new book, Silver
David is also the CEO of a new precious metals royalty and
streaming company, Lemuria Royalty.
Purchase the Silver Manifesto here:
During this 35+ minute interview, Jason asks David about the recent
announcement from the Sprott Physical Silver Trust (PSLV) that they
are buying approximately 5 million oz of physical silver to add to
the trust.
Jason asks David if the timing of the announcement was perfect to
counter the negative commitment of traders (COT) reports on gold
and silver?
David thinks Sprott timed this purchase perfectly. Jason asks David
how difficult it is to source 5 million oz of physical
David talks about the physical silver market and how the silver
market is decided at the margin.
Jason and David also discuss the additional silver purchases PSLV
can make in the future?
Next, Jason asks David about the BREAKING NEWS in the precious
metals space about Deutsche Bank admitting it manipulated gold and
silver markets, paying a settlement, cooperating and handing over
evidence and also helping implicate other conspirators (big bullion
banks) who helped manipulate gold and silver.
Story here:
David and Jason confirm this is the story Rob Kirby was hinting at
for months. (Jason also emailed Rob Kirby before the interview to
confirm this was the story he was hinting at).
David thinks this story may open up Pandora's box as more evidence
in the form of years worth of emails, instant messages and other
forms of communication is handed over by DB to help implicate other
Jason then asks David about the Soc Gen report saying silver supply
will decrease by 9% in 2016 and by 13% in 2017 and if he thinks
that research is accurate?
David says he thinks it's pretty accurate but he and Chris Marchese
will look at it more closely in a future edition of their paid
monthly newsletter, The Morgan Report.
To wrap up the interview, Jason and David talk abou
Wall St For Main St welcome Carol Roth, who is an entrepreneur, small business advocate, New York Times best selling author and radio host. She is also a judge on TBS America's Greatest Makers which had their season premiere last week.
Go to her web site at www.carolroth.com to find out more about her work!
In this podcast, we looked at how small business owners and entrepreneurs has fared since the 2008 financial crisis. Small business is the backbone of the economy and many argued that it has not picked up since the recovery. We also discussed why the 2016 presidential candidates do not give enough attention to the small business owners. Instead, they are giving them a hard time with regulations and taxes.
Finally, Carol will share her insight to why entrepreneurship is not as glamorous as people think it is and not everyone should become one. But just in case you do decide to become an entrepreneur, she will also tell us her advice. Plus much more!
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, editor & publisher of the Gloom Boom Doom Report http://www.gloomboomdoom.com/, Dr. Marc Faber.
Marc has decades of experience investing in global financial markets and he has wrote the book, Tomorrow's Gold- Asia's Age of Discovery.
During this 30+ minute interview, Jason opens the interview by asking Marc about how he thinks China will deal with the massive debt problems its state owned banks and municipalities have?
Marc jokes about Jason asking the Chinese government instead of him. Jason then asks Marc about what Kyle Bass is saying about China. Marc says the US mainstream financial media and Federal Reserve are talking about how bad things are in China and Europe to deflect attention from the US' debt problems.
Next, Jason asks Marc how much global central banks are coordinating their policies and doing market manipulations and market manipulations together?
Marc says he thinks there's no such thing as currency wars and that the US, UK, Japan and the ECB all coordinate monetary and interest rate policy together so they can take turns doing QE and devaluing their currencies.
Marc and Jason discuss where negative i9nterest rate policy or NIRP fits into the equation.
Jason asks Marc about the recent bear market rally in oil and base metals. Marc thinks the rally will sputter out soon and oil will go back down in the near future.
Marc also gives his thoughts on the 2016 US presidential elections.
Jason also asks Marc about gold, gold stocks, bad government economic data and where he sees value in markets so don't miss listening this great interview!
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, editor of the Hat Trick Letter at http://www.goldenjackass.com/, Jim Willie.
During this hour+ interview, Jason asks Jim 6 important questions about the global economy and the upcoming US presidential election.
Here's the questions Jason asked Jim:
1) Do you think many central banks are colluding and coordinating behind the scenes to manipulate markets, interest rates and currency exchange rates? How much more "monetary cocaine and heroine" can the global financial system take before all control is lost?
2) What do you think governments and central banks gain from implementing NIRP? Is this a main part of the cashless society and totalitarian control plan?
3) Was this recent bear market rally in oil and base metals done so banks wouldn't have to write off many billions in bad loans? Is that tsunami of loan defaults still coming soon?
4) Is it even possible for the GLD to get its hands on over 100 tons of physical gold in a week or two?
5) Do you think TPTB can hold markets and the global economy together through US presidential elections in November 2016?
6) Noted hedge fund manager Kyle Bass says in his February 2016 newsletter that China will need to print $10 trillion US dollars worth of RMB to bailout its banking system and municipalities. What do you think this means for China and the global economy? Could China just dramatically revalue its gold holdings instead of printing all that fiat currency?